So, we left Utah at 5am Wednesday morning, and were on our way. We could both barely sleep, so we had to make sure we were going to stay awake! Once it was light outside, the drive was great, but we were past Beaver by the time it was light. The drive was beautiful! I forget how pretty the drive is getting into Nevada.

My cute hubby focused on the road while we were still in Utah,
check out the snow we left behind us!

Ok, so the only other time I had ever been to In-N-Out burger, I wasn't eating hamburgers. I didn't eat hamburgers for a long time because of a bad experience when I was a kid. So, I'm cheesy, and I had to take a picture of me eating my first In-N-Out Burger. It was tasty.

Ok, so the asphalt between Barstow and Bakersfield has a stretch where it's red! I thought I was so cool, I took a picture. It's hard to tell with the picture, but it's all good.

Bakersfield was very different from what I thought it would be. It was pretty big. Mainly, it was bigger than I thought it would be. It's not a bad place necessarily. Grandma Kate's house where we were staying was beautiful. We got in around 3pm Cali time, and just kinda relaxed and drove around a little that first night.
Thursday, we decided to drive down into L.A. We figured since we were that close we might as well make a trip down!

He's so cute when he's driving!

I got bored on the drive down.
Our first stop was the L.A. Temple. I forgot how pretty it was! The area where it is, you'd think the grounds were going to be really noisy, but it really wasn't! It was like there was a soundproof shield around the grounds! It was great!

After that, we went driving around L.A. We were told that we should go to Sprinkles, but the line was too long. So we just kept driving around, and we got lost. But we just kept driving, and enjoyed the sites.
Then we went out to Claremont to visit some of Caleb's mission companions! We really had a blast there. It was really fun to see Bennett and Michelle again. We hadn't seen them since the wedding. It was fun to meet Drew and Alicia! They are amazing, and I wish we lived closer to both couples. We went to In-N-Out and got to visit with them for a while. Bennett and Michelle needed to call it an early night, but Drew and Alicia wanted to treat us to a local ice cream place called 21 choices. It was really tasty. Then they took us on a walking tour of Claremont. The more we spent time there, the more we felt at home there. We are considering whether we should stay in Utah or not right now. We'll see though.
Friday we did lots of driving around, and spent some more time with Grandma. It was really fun to run around and see where Caleb grew up, and where he used to spend a lot of his time. That night we went to the Bakersfield Condors hockey game. It was a total coincidence that when we were out there, they were playing the Utah Grizzlies. We met up with Devonn and Carla and their sweet boys. The game was a blast! Condors won 6-4!

Us at the game

Caleb and Devonn

The game

Us towards the end of the game.
Also while we were at the game, we ran into Caleb's siblings Jeff and Jennifer! It was nice to see them! After the game Jennifer and her family invited us over to play rock band! We really need a wii! We loved it! Apparently I'm great on the drums! Caleb did great on guitar and bass both!
Saturday we stuck to Bakersfield again. We ran to this place out in Rosedale calle Cost Plus World Market. I love that place! I could have bought almost the whole store! They have such beautiful stuff. It's like Pier 1, but cheaper! I will be frequenting that store!
We also went over to the mall, because they have stores in California that they don't have in Utah. I really loved Sephora. I could have spent all day there. I didn't of course, because Caleb was so entirely bored!
Saturday night we went to a local ice cream soda shoppe called Dewars. It was probably the best ice cream I've ever had. (Yes, I know I lost my sugar point, but it was so worth it!) We decided that we have to go at least once any time we are in Bakersfield, so if you are ever in the area, hit up Dewars!

What was left of my ice cream sundae
Sunday we went to church in the ward where Caleb spent most of his life. It was really great. I love how the church is the same no matter where you go. When we got home, we got some alone time with Grandma! We had a good time with her watching movies and playing with the dogs, Freeman and Lady. We also ran by where Grandpa Larry was buried. I'm sad I never got to meet him. Caleb had a rough time being there, and it's understandable.
Amanda and Larry had us over for Sunday dinner and it was really nice. Caleb and I loved the shredded beef tacos they made for us. We also just got a chance to sit and visit with them, and it was a good time. Caleb and I feel closer to them now.
Monday we decided to drive to Pismo Beach, because it's been SO LONG since either of us had been to the beach! We really enjoyed our day out there! If you ever are there, stop by Hot Shots and eat! It was good food!

Excited for the Beach!

It really was perfect weather!

I loved this sign!

We had so much fun in the water! He got me wet the punk!

Yeah, we're cheesy! What are you gonna do about it??

Sporting my new shirt on the way back to Bakersfield!
Amanda and the kids met us at Dewars one last time, and it was tasty once again! Caleb ordered a Black and White! I'll have to get that next time!

I was sad to come home, but we had a great time out there. I missed Jewel of course, and she's been hovering around us ever since we got home, because I think she's scared we are going to leave like that again. Not for a while, but we plan on going back to Cali soon.