Sunday, February 8, 2009

Love is in the Air...

Last night Caleb and I took my tip money from that day, and did something that we haven't done in months....WE WENT COUNTRY DANCING!!! As we were there, I was reminded of all the reasons that I fell in love with Caleb. When we are dancing, he gives me my favorite smiles, and he gets and extra twinkle in his eye. It's like there's no one else in the room. I love it. He's not the best dancer I've ever danced with, but he is DEFINATELY my favorite! He so considerate of me when we are there, it's really nice.

Our life is truly full of love and laughter, despite everything that is going on around us. I always know that Caleb loves me, and he makes me laugh on a daily basis. I honestly wouldn't trade him for anything on this earth. He does so much that I don't thank him enough for. I will do better as his wife and remember to thank him.

When I met Caleb, my life absolutely changed for the better, despite all the crap that we have been through. I can say we have been through hell and back together. I would never wish anything of that on anyone. If I would have gone through that with any other person, I honestly would have gotten out while I had the chance. Caleb is amazing, and I'm so lucky to have his love and support. I dont know what I would do without him in my life.

There are so many different thins that I love about him. I think I will make a small list.
1. I love how much he loves me.
2. I love his hugs, and the comfort that they give.
3. I love that he's short, because it makes him the perfect height.
4. I love his kisses.
5. I love his sense of humor.
6. I love that he loves animals.
7. I love that he likes to cuddle with me.
8. I love that he loves what he does for work, even though I don't understand it much.
9. I love that he helps me with the dishes.
10. I love that he is working so hard to get back to the temple, and to provide a good living for us and our future family.

Happy Valentine's Day Caleb, I love you so much!


Rendi said...

I wish Alan liked to dance...sounds like fun!