Sunday, January 18, 2009

Peanut Blart and Jelly

So, Friday night Caleb and I decided we wanted to go out, and our friend Reggie joined us. We ate at Subway, (trying to keep healthy, and the new 9 grain bread is really tasty!) and then we went to see Paul Blart: Mall Cop. It is HILARIOUS!!! They didn't show all of the funniest parts of the movie like they do in a lot of commercials for those kinds of movies. We had so much fun! It's not a movie that's going to change your life by any means, but it's definately a good laugh. It's rated PG, so it's not raunchy or anything either. That I really enjoyed! This movie was written and produced by Kevin James and Adam Sandler. It is great!

On another note, I've been down with sickness this week. Now that I'm better, poor Caleb is sick. He was so attentive and sweet to take care of me like he did, and now I've gotten him sick, and I'm so sad about it! He's just gonna sleep a lot so that he can get better.

Hope you are all doing well! Go see the movie for a good laugh!


A Rosie Family said...

I heard that it was a funny one. If I could ever get out to actually GO the the movie theatre!

Bummer that you guys have been sick. Hope you and Caleb are getting better quick!

We are coming to Utah this week. Maybe we can see you guys sometime!?

Jen said...

I think that movie looks funny I want to go see it. Sorry you have been sick !!!!

Triston said...

I love that actor that plays in Mall Cop he is so funny, that is one I really want to go see. There has been a lot of people sick, sorry you guys got it, hope you get better soon.