Saturday, February 28, 2009

We're getting out of town!

So, we got our tax refund money now, and we decided to FINALLY go to Bakersfield, CA where Caleb grew up! We're going in a couple of weeks, and it will be great! I can't wait to go and enjoy the sun! We are going to hit the beach while we are that close though! That will be nice. I haven't been to the beach in a long while. I've got 10 lbs before I will be bathing suit ready, but I'm excited regardless!

In other news, Caleb still hasn't found work, and I'm doing what I can to keep busy at the salon! Jewel is active as ever, and doing great.

We were watching The Princess Bride earlier this week, and we got to thinking. We realized, that they just don't make movies like they used to. Most of the movies that become classics now are action flicks, that can be too intense for younger children. My parents let us watch The Princess Bride when we were young, because they had edited the parts they thought were too intense for us. (Just most of the R.O.U.S. fight, and parts of the sword fight at the end.) I wish people would start making movies like that again. It would be great!


The Glad Family said...

How fun! Hope you have a GREAT time. When you get back lets play!

Caleb and Shae said...

Well, we aren't leaving for 3 weeks. We can play before! I miss you!

Rendi said...

I love the Princess Bride- "mawidge, what bwings us togever today!" California sounds likes fun!