Wednesday, September 12, 2007

79 days and counting

It finally feels like it's coming! We've been engaged for so long, and changed our date so many times, that it finally feels like it's actually happening. We are mostly ready for the wedding. We just have the last minute details to take care of, and then we are on our way! We still need to figure out where we are going to live after the wedding, and make sure all of our guests will have somewhere to stay. The rest is finalizing. WoW! We're getting married! It's so exciting! It's less than three months! I can't wait! Caleb is excited and nervous at the same time, because life is going to be so different, but so wonderful at the same time. Now only if time would fly even faster.
I love this lyric from a song. "Eternity won't seem that long cause time will fly, when it's you and I together." ~Wedding Song by Colors That's how things really feel with Caleb. It feels like so much has happened in this last year, but it has totally flown by. I'm looking forward to being with Caleb forever and a day. I can't wait!