Monday, December 17, 2007

Sick Days

Ok, so Saturday, I woke up to throwing up. I was sick and had to call into work and not go in. I threw up most of the morning, and then slept a good share of the day. I know it wasn't food poisoning, because I was achy and I had a slight fever. Caleb was really good to me and took care of me. He drew me a bath, and made me food, and bought me Sprite, and all the things a good husband does when his wife is sick.
Well, we woke up this morning, and just after breakfast, Caleb threw up. I feel so bad because I think I got him sick. He's toughing it out at work today, and I feel awful. He says he hasn't thrown up other than the one time, so who knows. I hope he keeps feeling better. I'm going to need to disinfect the whole house...again! We can't keep getting sick!