Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Funny Story

So, I'm laying in bed this morning, and the cat lays on our bed at night. All the sudden, Jewel is meowing at me, walking all over my face, and using her claws to PULL THE COMFORTER AND SHEETS DOWN! She was trying to kick me out of the bed so she could lay in it! She is so stinking smart. She's also figured out when I'm awake, my eyes are open. So now she will gently wake me up by pawing my eyeballs! She's such a stinker sometimes, but she's so adorable the rest of the time, that it's hard not to love her! She's gotten really big so fast! I'll post new pics soon! :) I just wanted to share that story. I woke up laughing my head off because of it.


Rendi said...

Cats can be so great and then little stinkers! You should get Jewel declawed in the front- then the pawing is softer. Isis likes to wake me up with her pawing and then snuggle, I fall back to sleep, she leaves and then comes back to do it all over again. Alan thinks it is so cute, but I think he would change his mind if he were woken up numerous times in the night!

Caleb and Shae said...

The thing is, her claws are never out when she paws my eyes! It's just like she were declawed! It's crazy for this little kitten to be so entirely smart to me. Oh well! I'll tell more stories later!

Steve and Jamie said...

Hmmm. . . I don't usually have a cat patting my head. Usually I have a 3-year-old smacking me in the forehead screaming "WAKE UP MOMMY, IT'S MORNING TIME!!!"

It's awesome.