Friday, September 5, 2008

Help Me!

So, here's the deal. I needed a new headshot for my website. ( I need something that looks professional, and makes me look like I know what I'm doing! I put my top five pictures on here, so let me know which one is your favorite. Thanks!


Bev said...

I like 1, 3, and 5 with 5 being my fav!!

Krystal said...

I vote for 5! Your short hair looks way cute!

Rendi said...

I like #5 the best. I second Krystal- your hair looks cute!

Amanda B. said...

I LOVE Picture #5!!! Cute pictures Shala!!! Love the one of you and my brother..Love and miss you lots!!

Darrell and Amanda said...

I like the second one and the last one. You have such a pretty smile!

allie kowallis said...

The last one is so dang cute! You are so photogenic. So cute

A Rosie Family said...

They are all so cute but I would have to say 5 also. Cute pose with a little sass, love it!