Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Sunday Dinner at Our House!

So, our usual thing on sundays is to go up to my parents house and have sunday dinner with them, so we see them at least once a week. For a change, they came down to our little place! It was really nice! We just had a very simple baked potato bar, but it was still really nice.
Jewel loved spending time with them, and my mom tried to make Jewel cuddle with her. Sadly for mom, we have a very independent kitten, and she only cuddles when she is tired.
We also sat and watched our wedding video with them. Yeah, they were there, and filmed it, and edited it, but it was still fun to watch it with them. They didn't usually get to hear our commentating on it when they had watched it before. They got to learn a little more about my husband and it was really nice.
Hopefully we will be able to have them over for dinner more! I like to cook!


carrfamily4 said...

Hi Shala, My name is Julie Carr. I am Autumn Rosenlof's sister in law. I love looking at your blog and can I say I love your hair. The cut is so cute and I really like the color. Keep up the good work with sparkpeople. Weight loss is an ongoing journey. I do Weight Watchers and love finding new websites to look at so I will definatly look at sparkpeople.


Darrell and Amanda said...

I always love having my family over for dinner too!

Rendi said...

So...when we are in town, I can expect a 5 course meal served at a beautiful setting? Kidding- time with family is always good!