Sunday, November 16, 2008


So, I've been thinking a lot lately for the things that I am greatful for, since Thanksgiving is coming up. I've decided to list a few things that I am thankful for.

1. My Honey: Caleb is so amazing to me. Even when we have nothing, he finds a way to take care of me. He loves me to an extent that I don't feel I deserve. He is amazing in so many ways, and I am truly so lucky to have him.

2. My Famliy, especially my Brazilians: Even though I'm so far from my siblings, I am so greatful to have such loving and caring ones. They are amazing. I'm also blessed with the most giving parents I could have ever asked for! They truly give me so much, and have for so long. They truly have been an amazing blessing in my life.

3. My In Laws - I hear of so many people who don't get along with their in laws, and it makes me feel so blessed. My in laws are amazing! They treat me as one of their own children, and sometimes would tell me that they would trade me for Caleb. (Totally joking of course) They raised Caleb so well. They are so wonderful. My sister in law Amanda is also wonderful. It's nice to know that I will have someone to talk to at family functions besides Caleb and his parents. Her kids are so much fun too. I love when we get to visit with them!

4. My Job - I am so blessed to be able to do something that I love so much, and be able to make money at it. Being a hairdresser is so rewarding every day! The salon I work in is full of wonderful people who make me feel like a better stylist every day that I'm there. It's such a blessing.

5. My kitten - I know it sounds silly, but she is like my child! She is so playful and so loving, she just brings a joy into my life that I can't really describe, but my mom, my mom-in-law and Rendi I know can understand. Picking her that day at the shelter was one of the best decisions I have ever made.

I wish you all a wonderful holiday, and hope you remeber what you are thankful for!


Amanda B. said...

New Blog!!! Yep am trying it again..LOL :)
I am grateful for you more than you will ever know. Thanks for loving and putting up with my brother.

Krystal said...

What a cute post! Sounds like you have many great things in your life. It's so nice to take a minute every now and then and realize just what you have.

Rendi said...

It is a good time of year to list what we are thankful for. I should follow your example- maybe you should tag people with this... I do understand the love of pets. Alan would be the best one to list about the cat though- I tease him that he loves that cat more than any of us!

Caleb and Shae said...

Ok, I tag Rendi, Krystal, and Amanda B! :)

Jake, Megan, Ryder, Emma and Tessa said...

Hey Shala!
Cute post! I love all those pics! you are such a fun girl! I hope you have a great thanksgiving!!

A Rosie Family said...

How great that you have so much to be thankful for!

The Glad Family said...

I'm grateful for you, my dear!! You're the best! Thanks for everything you do.