Thursday, May 29, 2008

BIggest Loser Update

I just realized I haven't done an update for a little bit. We have been struggling a little bit, but our schedule has changed a lot with Caleb's new job. We are adjusting, and starting to do a little better. I've now lost a total of 7 lbs, and Caleb has still only lost the one. I've been working a little harder at it than he has, but he's been more active. It's just a matter of time for him. He just wants to be healthier more than anything.
Caleb has really been enjoying his new job. Not so much the hours, but he loves the work. I like that he stays pretty close, and he likes that he's not going in circles like he was when he was doing dirt work. All in all, things are on the up and up for us. I have a happy husband, and we are excited to see what this summer brings us. Hopefully a trip to Idaho and a trip to California, along with camping on certain weekends that are slow at the salon.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Memorial Day!

So, Caleb didn't have to work yesterday, so we got to spend the holiday together. He snuck out of bed before I woke up, and ran downtown to Gandolfo's (sandwich shop with the best breakfast sandwiches) and brought back breakfast to me in bed. It was really cute.

Then we went up to my parents house, and we got lunch from Chili's, and then went and saw Prince Caspian with my dad. Mom wanted to wait at home for Scottie's email, which didn't come sadly. I'm sure we'll get one today. The movie was pretty good. It gets pretty intense a couple of times. I would see it again, and most likely buy it. My dad and I were talking about it, and the story line almost has a restoration kind of story line to it. It was very interesting. I think people should see it at least once.

After that, we went over to Grandma Ellison's house. We decided to help her plant her flowers and have a barbeque with the rest of the family. It went by really fast, and we all had a really good time. We hope you all had a wonderful memorial day too!

Sunday, May 25, 2008


So, we like racing, and we especially love the jet cars! These cars basically have a jet engine hooked onto the back of them. It's crazy fun to watch! If you ever get a chance to go, do it. Our friends Steve and Eva go to this every year. It's great. It sounds like cannons are going off when they backfire, and it's awesome. We are going to make a habit of going. The heat was intense too. We had a total blast.
Today at church, it was so good. We really had an excellent spiritual day! All of the lessons tied into each other and it was powerful. Hope you all enjoyed your sunday!

Friday, May 23, 2008

What to do, what to do...

So, Caleb started with Liberty yesterday, and he's so happy. He loves it! But, he's having to leave between two and four in the morning on most days, and I have a hard time sleeping when there's no one there. Granted, I'm almost 23 and should be fine to sleep by myself in our place, but I know that our landlords are gone that leaves this really big, nice house completely empty besides me in the middle of the night, and I don't do so well with that. I hear Caleb lock the door and everything when he leaves, but I still don't feel safe. I'm considering getting a pet so I'm not alone, and I have something to blame the noises in the house on so I feel safer. Any suggestions?

Thursday, May 22, 2008

My List

Things I Love about Caleb:
1. He is just so dang cute!
2. He is so spiritual
3. He loves me just as much as I love him
4. He makes me laugh everyday.
5. He will do the dishes for me, because he knows I hate them.
6. His honesty.
7. He calls during the day, just to say hi.
8. He's a sweetheart.
9. He thinks my flaws are cute.
10. He thinks I'm pretty no matter what I weigh
11. He's very easy to live with
12. How passionate he is about life
13. That he likes silly older TV shows
14. He loves his job
15. He's the perfect height to kiss
16. He's loyal
17. He likes to go to church with me
18. He'll just talk with me while we eat dinner at the table.
19. Even when my cooking is gross, he eats it.
20. He's dedicated to what he's doing
21. His dad was his best man at our wedding
22. That he likes to hold my hand
23. When he comes up behind me and puts his arms around my stomach and walks with me.
24. When he strokes my face
25. His eyes
26. How cute he looks when he's sleeping
27. He likes to cuddle with me
28. He's sensitive to people's needs
29. He's not afraid to cry in front of me
30. He gets excited over little things.
31. He always has a pen in his pocket
32. His laugh
33. His smile
34. The way he looks at me
35. The way I fit in his arms
36. He takes care of me
37. He works so hard
38. His hugs
39. He's such a good kisser
40. So many more things if I went on, you would all get bored.

Caleb is so good to me, and I couldn't be happier married to anyone else.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008


Caleb is officially hired on with Liberty Transport! He'll start tomorrow or monday. They are waiting for a part on his truck. That's what will determine when he will start. It's good money, and he loves driving! I don't really understand it to be honest, but it makes him happy. Anything that makes my husband happy, makes me happy.
I woke up this morning not feeling very good, and Caleb was such a sweetheart. I knew I needed to go to the store for a couple of essentials today, so he got up early and went to the store before he went into work, and just took care of me before he left, and has been checking in on me every so often throughout the day. I really am the luckiest woman in the world. He's so good to me. I only hope that wives everywhere get as lucky as me.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Biggest Loser Week 1 Results

So week one went fairly well for both of us. We both lost weight! Funny thing is, I lost more than Caleb, which isn't usually the case because guys can drop weight easier than gals. Caleb lost one pound, and I lost four. I was a little stricter with it than he was though. We are both going to work hard this week now that most of the temptations are gone from the house! ;) But we are both feeling a whole lot better now that we are eating a little better and getting a little more active, which is the goal with all of this!
Also, we got news this morning of what Tyler and Kimie are having....despite what we all though...IT'S A BOY!!!!! We are so excited for them! Last they talked, they had already decided on a name. I believe it's William. So, just passing it along. You can offer congratulations to them on Kimie's blog, which the link is in my buddy list! YaY! I'm going to have another nephew!

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Rescue, Relief, and Racing!

Ok, so Caleb and I got home late Thursday night, and we hadn't gotten the mail yet. I sent Caleb out to get the mail, because we have one of those communal mail boxes where you open them with a key and everything. A few minutes go by, and Caleb comes tearing in the house. I asked him what was wrong, and there was a cat that had gotten stuck in those plastic grid construction fences. (The house across the street from us is still being built.) So he asks me to come out and help him cut this little kitty free. I held the flashlight, and helped him find where he needed to cut the plastic. The poor little kitty was so tired by then he didn't fight us at all, and we talked all nice to it to help it know that we weren't going to hurt it. There are a lot of people in our neighborhood who let their cats roam at night, and we were pretty sure this little one had gotten in a cat fight and was trying to run away and got caught in the fence the way it was all caught up. Anyway, so we get the cat free, and we don't know who to call. We called county dispatch to see what we could do. They sent an officer over to make sure the cat didn't need to be euthanized (spelling on that?? I dunno) and then had us take it to the animal shelter. So, thanks to my tender hearted husband, we saved a little kitty, and made sure it would be safe for the night.

Friday started off with good news. It looks like Caleb has gotten a different trucking job that will pay him a little better! :D We are really excited. As long as everything checks out, he will be starting on Wednesday! It's at a local trucking outfit that runs 98% of their loads in state, which means Caleb will be home most nights! I like this idea! :D I'm just glad that my husband is happy with his work. I don't like when he comes home and he's had a not so good day at work. He's sad and there isn't much I can do to cheer him up. He's excited to get driving again.

We spent the rest of Friday out at Miller Sportspark in Tooele watching the races! It was a lot of fun! I hadn't ever gone to the races. Caleb and his dad like to go to the drag races in Vegas every year, so he's seen some of this. The track at Miller Sportspark isn't just the typical round track like you are used to seeing on Nascar. There are all sorts of sharp twists and turns in this track. It's really cool! Apparently Nascar is looking into making it one of their regular stops because it's such a difficult track. It's 3 miles around the perimiter. It's crazy big! If you ever get a chance to go out and watch, do it! We just watched practices and still had a blast.

We ended Friday with a movie. We went and saw Ironman! It was really quite good! We were really surprised! It was a bit intense, because it very much has a war tone to it. But if you go in knowing that, you can really enjoy it. I personally think it would be too intense for little ones.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Lunch Date

So, Caleb didn't have to be into work until 2 today, so he came up and suprised me at work, and we went to Training Table and got lunch. It was really cute, because he knows that I miss him on days like today. I go to work before he does, and he doesn't get home until somewhere between 10 and 12 at night. He really just wanted to come take me to lunch so that we felt like we spent some time together. It's cute! My husband is adorable. He's really good to me.
All the places Caleb has applied at so far have fallen through, but he's still trying. He gets really discouraged sometimes. I just do what I can to help him get through it, and hope and pray that something works out for him. Anything is better than $8.50 an hour at this point.

Monday, May 12, 2008

Biggest Loser: Ellison Style

My family all wants to get healthier. So, Caleb and I are jumping on our biggest loser challenge. We're going to get active, watch what we eat, and set goals. This challenge is going to go through labor day. I have pretty lofty goals for myself, but I'm going to work hard to get there. We've limited the amount of weight loss in a week to 5 lbs. If I lost 5 lbs every week, I would loose 80 lbs. My goal isn't to loose that much. I think I would look funny that skinny. My goal is to loose 50, and to be able to run 3 miles by September 1. I'm excited. I'm not sure what Caleb set his goals are. But we're limiting things like soda and sugary treats, and adding fruits and veggies. We are willing to share the challenge with anyone who wants to join in. Let us know!

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Happy Mother's Day!

I want to start off my saying Happy Mother's Day to all the mothers and future mothers out there. I love Mother's day because it's a day to celebrate women and all the hard work that they do for their families, churches, and communities.
Scottie had a chance to call our parents, and he's been transfered. He's now in Neosho, Missouri. His companion is from Spanish Fork, and we think his family goes to church in the same building as Caleb and I. Scott is loving it, and surviving the tornados! :) It was so nice to know that he's so happy out in his mission. He sends his love to everyone!

Saturday, May 10, 2008


So, I was really bored with my hair, and really wanted to change it. My boss Mike suggested that we keep it dark but put some "micro reds" in my hair, and I said why not. We did it, I made the change, and I like it. I really think that we will eventually mellow out the reds, make them more of a burgandy... but for now its fun.
Caleb's working hard at putting out applications, and hopefully we hear from one of the companies soon. We really want to go with Kenny Seng or Burningham. They are both really good companies, and have a lot to offer for Caleb to open doors down the road for a more permanent position.
We love you all! Keep us in your prayers, as we do all of you!

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Good news is gone...:(

Caleb got a call from his boss at Sunroc today, letting him know that it ends up he isn't going to be able to hire him back on at this time. It ends up that Clyde Company (who owns Sunroc) just pulled most of their work. His boss has to lay off 12 guys that he had already hired back. If anyone knows any local trucking companies that are hiring, let us know. Now we still don't have insurance, and we are wondering how we are going to make this work.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Birthday at Treasure Island

Happy Birthday Caleb....back on March 26th.... OOPS!!!! Well, here are a couple of pics of the trip. We went and stayed at the Anniversary Inn in the (surprise) Treasure Island room! This inn is so cool! It's all themed rooms! Next time you need to stay in Salt Lake for a night, try it out! We are definately fans!

So Sorry Everyone!

We are such slackers when it comes to this! But, there is good news! Caleb got his job back! He's back at Sunroc as of Monday, which means double the pay, and I have insurance again! Yay! He's so excited to be driving again. He hasn't wanted to go to work since he found out they want him back, but we would miss out on quite a bit of money, so he's dealing for now. :) Other than that, nothing too exciting is going on for us. We are just living on a tight budget because we are trying to eliminate debt and save money so we can have a house soon! Hope everyone is doing well! Love y'all!