Thursday, May 29, 2008

BIggest Loser Update

I just realized I haven't done an update for a little bit. We have been struggling a little bit, but our schedule has changed a lot with Caleb's new job. We are adjusting, and starting to do a little better. I've now lost a total of 7 lbs, and Caleb has still only lost the one. I've been working a little harder at it than he has, but he's been more active. It's just a matter of time for him. He just wants to be healthier more than anything.
Caleb has really been enjoying his new job. Not so much the hours, but he loves the work. I like that he stays pretty close, and he likes that he's not going in circles like he was when he was doing dirt work. All in all, things are on the up and up for us. I have a happy husband, and we are excited to see what this summer brings us. Hopefully a trip to Idaho and a trip to California, along with camping on certain weekends that are slow at the salon.


Rendi said...

Congrats on the weight loss! I think you are giving the pounds to me though so I'm not sure I like that. I have to quit talking about getting that treadmill back into my house and just do it! What is your potential trip to Idaho???

Caleb and Shae said...

We just want to go up to visit grandma, maybe make it all the way up to see you guys. I still haven't seen you place up there yet, and how long have you been living there?? I mean's a little silly. Are we still going to do Labor Day weekend at Melba's cabin, or do we want to do something different?