Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Biggest Loser Week 1 Results

So week one went fairly well for both of us. We both lost weight! Funny thing is, I lost more than Caleb, which isn't usually the case because guys can drop weight easier than gals. Caleb lost one pound, and I lost four. I was a little stricter with it than he was though. We are both going to work hard this week now that most of the temptations are gone from the house! ;) But we are both feeling a whole lot better now that we are eating a little better and getting a little more active, which is the goal with all of this!
Also, we got news this morning of what Tyler and Kimie are having....despite what we all though...IT'S A BOY!!!!! We are so excited for them! Last they talked, they had already decided on a name. I believe it's William. So, just passing it along. You can offer congratulations to them on Kimie's blog, which the link is in my buddy list! YaY! I'm going to have another nephew!


Krystal said...

Congratulations on the new nephew and losing weight! It definitely is easier if you have someone doing it right along with you. It looks like you guys had a great time at the track. I would love to go. And, I'm so happy that you guys were able to rescue that kitty. This world needs more people that are willing to do that! And finally, I love your hair! I can definitely understand needing a change. It's way cute!