Monday, May 12, 2008

Biggest Loser: Ellison Style

My family all wants to get healthier. So, Caleb and I are jumping on our biggest loser challenge. We're going to get active, watch what we eat, and set goals. This challenge is going to go through labor day. I have pretty lofty goals for myself, but I'm going to work hard to get there. We've limited the amount of weight loss in a week to 5 lbs. If I lost 5 lbs every week, I would loose 80 lbs. My goal isn't to loose that much. I think I would look funny that skinny. My goal is to loose 50, and to be able to run 3 miles by September 1. I'm excited. I'm not sure what Caleb set his goals are. But we're limiting things like soda and sugary treats, and adding fruits and veggies. We are willing to share the challenge with anyone who wants to join in. Let us know!